Bathroom Installation

Expertly fitted bathrooms and showers


With Tony Gardner, you’ll get quality work every time. No matter how simple or complex your bathroom design, you’ll always get a perfect job.


Just share your ideas for your bathroom and Tony will fit your bathroom suite, leaving you to add the finishing touches.

Suiting your space and your budget


Whether you’ve got big plans for your bathroom or you’ve only got a small space, Tony can make use of every inch to create a bathroom that suits your needs.


Each item will be carefully and expertly fitted, so you can be sure that everything will work perfectly and be problem-free.

Fittings by a fully qualified plumber


  • Quality materials used throughout
  • Baths, showers and toilets
  • Pedestal basins
  • Vanity cabinets and units
  • Individual service you can rely on
  • No hidden charge
First class plumbing every time


Quality is important when it comes to plumbing, especially with bathroom installations. Whether you need a new bathroom, your boiler needs repairing or you simply need someone to check out your pipes before the winter arrives in Lancashire, you’ll get a service which is second to none.

For reliable and timely heating services at fair prices, call 07713 565 272 or 01254 708919